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Meet Athena Gayle, also known as The Sex Copywriter.

Athena writes about sex and exclusively collaborates with sextech, sexual wellness, and sexual pleasure brands. She caters her email marketing to everyone within the space, from e-comm to solopreneurs. Athena’s portfolio includes collaborations with various startups, coaches, therapists, and adult toy companies.

Athena is passionate about partnering with brands aiming to build a strong community with their audience. She firmly believes that if everyone prioritized daily orgasms, the world would be a happier place.

In this episode, Athena talked about her most vulnerable moments, dropped some jaw-dropping tips for perfecting your blowjob game, and spilled a few secrets to crafting newsletters that are so sexy, they practically write themselves.

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00:00:00 Coming soon…


Athena’s main website: The Sex Copywriter
Athena’s LinkedIn

Mentioned in this episode:
Feel Collective